5 Ways to Use a Vision Board

You’re probably familiar with using a vision board as a tool for keeping your dreams and goals in mind but did you know you can use a vision board in a variety of ways depending on your needs and where you want to upgrade?

In fact, you may want to have more than one vision board to keep your dreams of various areas of your life and business crystal clear. In this post discover 5 ways you can use vision boards to attract in your desires. Plus, I’m going to show you one technique most people do not use on their vision boards and without this technique vision boards are not as effective.

5 Ways to Use a Vision Board
I’d love to know, have you used a vision board in the past and what has been your results? Go ahead and leave a comment below. Personally, I’ve had mixed results with vision boards until I used this exact organization combined with energetic techniques which I’m going to show you.

In order for you not to get overwhelmed, what we’re going to do is talk about vision boards for different aspects of your life. I want you to just start with one idea and follow it through and then once you have that, go ahead and start creating these vision boards for different aspects of your life. They don’t have to be super complicated, but when you have it organized in such a way, it makes it super easy and way more effective.

So let’s get started with the five ways to use a vision board.

Business Planning

Business planning. This vision board is where you’ll keep track of why and how you do what you do. Like many creatives, you most likely have tons of different projects going on all at once. This vision board will keep you focused.

You started your business for a reason, that’s your why but somewhere along the line many of us lose sight of this goal. A business planning vision board can keep us on track. On it you’ll keep images of your ideal business such as working from the beach, speaking in front of a large crowd, achieving best-seller status with your latest book or even a big office if that’s your thing.

Most importantly, just collect images that resonate with you. Perhaps it’s creating a passive income business that brings in eight thousand dollars a month. This is where the energetic statements come in.

Once you’ve created your business planning vision board align to one simple statement, “I’m 100 percent aligned to attracting $8,000 a month on passive income only” and put that on your vision board. That way every time you see these images you can repeat that statement. Allow it to effortlessly happen within your life. You will be guided on exactly what you need to do to achieve that goal.

Life Goals

Where do you want to be in 5, 10, or 20 years? I don’t know if you’re like me and kind of cringe when you hear that question but it’s not just a question from a bad job interview, it’s a critical consideration for anyone who wants to live a life of purpose and of meaning a vision board is a perfect tool to stay on track with this and a lot of fun.

This vision board, like all of them, is in a constant state of change, don’t feel like once you put those pictures on that’s what you have to stay aligned to. If you find that perhaps that’s really not where you want to go. As your life goals change and as you evolve, so will your vision board and that’s okay.

You’re not a failure if you don’t attract in and finish off one vision board before you start another. Maybe you no longer want to live in Paris, that’s okay. Maybe you decided you’d prefer to live in the mountains. Replace the city of lights with a mountaintop retreat, if that’s your thing. Do keep your life goals vision board updated and refer to it each time you have to make a major decision. It will help you clarify the direction you need to achieve your dreams.

Vacation Planning

What are your favorite vacations? What do you need in order to thrive? Vacations aren’t just an act of luxury, it’s an act of healing. A time to check out and enjoy what you enjoy doing. A little rest and relaxation. My favorite vacays are spa vacays. Heading out to my favorite spa hotel with mineral water pools and saunas. This helps me thrive, re-energize and be ready to go to help my clients.

Perhaps you know what your favorite vacay is and how many times a year you want to take that vacation. Be detailed. Collect pictures of your favorite vacay. What you’d be doing or perhaps ones that you’ve already taken and then combine energetic statements with these images. “What vibrational energy can I be to attract three spa vacays a year?”

Home Buying

If you are ready to change where you live, upgrade your lifestyle on a daily basis, perhaps you’re in a place in your life where you want to upgrade your home. This is one of the largest investments that we ever make and it can be quite daunting and overwhelming to think how can that be possible.

This also can be used for any type of remodeling projects that you want to improve your home. Say you want a new kitchen or you just have so many unfinished projects around the house you want to finish them up as quickly as possible. This vision board is a great way to organize those plans and prioritize what you want to have done.

First, snip photos of homes that you love. Start searching on what is available now and if you like a specific house, apartment or maisonette go ahead and take a screenshot and use that for your vision board. Your home buying slash remodeling vision board will help you stay aligned to what is important to you. What exactly are your priorities and help you make a decision that’s based on the lifestyle you choose.

Again remember to attach your energetic statement with those images. How will you feel in your new home how grateful would you feel to have this new home? So you can say, “I’m so grateful and thankful for the new two-story maisonette that has an amazing balcony and a gorgeous office space for me. I feel incredible in my new home.” Something along those lines that you can attach a feeling to those images like you have already attracted it and you’re living that energy now.

Client Attracting

Number five, client attracting. Every business has an ideal client, but this seemingly simple thing can be extremely difficult to define. A vision board will help. Is your client male or female? Young or old? Successful or not? Does he or she have kids or home business? Is he or she confident or timid? Create a collection of images that represent your ideal client and refer to it each time you are tempted, as we all are, to sign on a client that is not necessarily our ideal client.

Want more help in creating these amazing vision boards that are going to help you create the lifestyle and biz you design?

Check out my vision board workshop. It’s a four-module, self-training system complete with an action plan you can implement at the end of each module as well as an exercise worksheet to help you define your plan.

Contrary to what many people think, using vision boards can be a powerful strategy to help propel you further in your business and keep you on track. Vision boards have been successfully used by Katy Perry and even Denise Duffield Thomas, my favorite money mindset mentor.

You’ll see measurable results and exciting progress if you set up your vision boards properly and use them on a daily basis combined with energetic statements. If you’ve always thought vision boards are not for you, think again. This quick and easy self-study course will guide you through finding a vision board type that works for you. Some of which you may not know even exist. It will also help you clarify your goals, decide on a lifestyle that suits you best, for now, and in the future. Discover the best ways to feed your spirit, create the right programs and products. Keep track of your progress and much, much more.

Check out the vision board workshop here.

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  1. […] can check out my blog post, “Five Ways to Use Vision Boards” where I talk about how to actually break it down into different categories making it a lot easier […]

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