5 Step Goal System Process

Some days do you ever find yourself in a fog without any sense of direction? In this post, discover a five step goal system setting formula that will help you get clarity back in your life.

1. Present Moment Check

What is in your reality right now? There are probably some things that you like and some things that you don’t like. Are you taking the most out of the things that you do like?

Are you grateful for what you currently have in your present moment? Gratitude is the fuel to moving on into what you desire.

If we’re not currently grateful for what we have, then we’re not embodying the feeling of being grateful for what we wish to have.

Like energy attracts like energy.

If you’re wanting to make some changes in your life be grateful for what you have now and for what is yet to come. Like all dreams and goals there’s always a starting point and that starting point is where you currently are right now.

Take a little look around and get to know your present moment on a better basis. Reality can sometimes be a little difficult to look face on but there’s no need to fear. The way to move forward is to be completely present and accepting of the present moment.

With this knowledge, your next steps become clearer and clarity opens up.

2. Get Writing

All goals can fall into three categories, be, do and have. A good journaling exercise is to sit down and journal out what would you like to have. What would you like to do and want to be. What characteristics do you want to embody.

Once you have written that down the next question is to ask yourself why? How is it going to help you in your life or others that are around you?

Finally journal out all the fears that come up when you think about these goals. It’s good to clear that energy.

We typically want to protect ourselves. Everybody has this protection mode that kicks in. It’s like “Oh, you can’t do that because this might happen,” but if we clear out the fear then your goal can naturally bubble forth.

Maybe one of your blocks is actually stopping you from going forward because you don’t want to be visible. You don’t want people to see you because there’s a fear around being seen. Maybe other people will be jealous. Maybe you’ll lose friends.

Write them all down no matter how crazy they seem.

3. Time Blocking

Here comes the system. It is so important to put that system in place. You can have all the goals you want, you can have all the desires that you want, but if you are not addressing them on a daily basis it’s not going to happen.

For example, if you want to have your books in order, your accounting, yet you haven’t hired an accountant or you don’t have a bookkeeper to take care of that, then you need to schedule in 20 minutes a day and get that done yourself because nobody else is going to do it, unless you hire somebody.

Those things that are not getting done (aspects of your goals) make sure you put them in your calendar. I love Google calendar, it is completely free. It’s everywhere you are as long as you have internet and you can schedule everything out.

So those goals that you have, make sure you schedule them in the calendar and then set a trigger to get them done. If you schedule it in Google calendar you have this wonderful opportunity to set up a reminder for 30 minutes before, 5 minutes, 10, 15 minutes and then you see it on your phone. You get a notification to remind you this is on your calendar. On the first day, maybe you don’t do it but then you see it the second day and the third day it’s starting to kind of trigger, okay yeah I’m gonna get that done.

I’m gonna get in there and do what I need to do to achieve my goals. When we start taking those very, very small steps on a daily basis with the system it becomes easier to do it every day and it becomes more consistent and we get that motion going and that energy going. You’re also going to find that maybe some other things that you’ve been putting off start to get put in that system and in that picture of your daily basis and that structure and you start to actually get more things done.

4. Proper Mindset

In this day and age, we live in a very, very fast-based society where we want immediate results. We can believe that change can happen easily and it can. The energy to have that happen easy though is that we have to be the instigator of that energy and to be the inertia. Might feel hard at first but then it gets going and then that momentum kicks in and change can happen easily.

It’s our resistance to that change that stops it from happening. So the mindset is really, really key. You can easily take your goals turn them into affirmations and reframe them into the present moment as if they’re happening now and put them in your Trello board or wherever you will see them on a daily basis.

if you like to use Trello. I love Trello so if you have your tasks for the day or for the week you can put those goals with the affirmations on your daily board so that you can see that and just really easily be reminded oh yeah these are my goals. This is what I’m aligning to. This is what I need to do today. This is my system.

You are the leader of you and you can set up those little steps and reminders to help you keep going. Impatience and feeling undeservable will put you back into that fog and feeling overwhelmed will also put you in the fog.

Believe that the time that you’re spending on your projects will give you the results that you desire.

5. Create a Triggered System

Think about what you do on a daily basis without even thinking about it, waking up, brushing your teeth, washing your face, you know combing your hair, getting dressed. These things we don’t really think about too much as we wake up.

Now we want your activities that you need to do to get these goals in place to be that quick, to skip over that procrastination to jump over the sense of overwhelm and just to get in there and get it done.

So maybe your trigger is in the morning after you have your exercise, your workout or your morning walk, to sit down and look at your schedule for the day and boom you see exactly what you need to do, when you need to do it, have it completely lined up and there you go.

If you’ve had your time blocks written out in your calendar, you can easily see what projects you need to work on, in what time window.

An example that works for me, I have exactly kind of like stacking of my activities to make sure that they get done before I have my clients for the day and it goes really nice and smooth so it just feels good to go from one activity to another.

Think about the rhythm in your day, what flows nicely from one activity to another. Take those actual activities that are time restricted at specific times and then fill the empty space between with your projects that you need for your goals.

Goals are ever-changing and ever-evolving. Moving forward may not always be that straight line. So if it doesn’t happen linear, don’t get down on yourself.

Sometimes we have to take a little roundabout turn in the road to find that answer of how to go forward but the most important thing is that is the energy of going in the direction that you want to go in.

If you don’t have a constant reminder of okay yeah this is what I’m doing this is what I’m going to get done today, it can be really easy to fall into that fog. Let me know in the comments below what action steps are you going to take today to create that supportive system to achieve your goals.

Happy aligning.

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