3 Tips for Making a Digital Vision Board

Do you desire to create a vision board that actually works but you don’t have any old magazines lying around, cork board or poster board to even create the vision board? I’ve got you covered. In this post, I’m going to give you three tips for making a digital vision board online.

Hi, I’m Heather Kaye high vibe biz and life coach, where I help creative entrepreneurs, light workers and empaths create a biz and life they love.


The first step in creating a digital vision board that actually works is to prioritize what you want to focus on. What do you want to achieve in the next six months? Go ahead and write down just one thing you want to achieve in the next six months.

Collect Your Photos

The next step is you want to find a photograph that sparks the emotion you want to feel once you have completed whatever that goal is.

Keep reading, I’ll show you where you can find those photos online and you don’t have to have any glue tape or even a pair of scissors.

1. Choose Your Medium

Pinterest, Picmonkey and Canva are great places to start.

  • Pinterest is an easy way to search for photos of your ideal lifestyle and simply pin those to a secret board. If you want to make your vision board public at any time, it’s a simple switch under Settings.
  • PicMonkey is a paid platform with a free 7-day trial period and they offer very detailed advice for creating a vision board using their platform template in this blog post.
  • Canva has a free option and a paid option. I use the free option and get along just fine. It’s a great place to create a collage with the photos that you have collected. I talk more in detail how to use Canva to create your online digital vision board in my post, How to Create an Online Digital Vision Board in under 15 minutes.

2. Choose Your Photos

Using digital photos allows you to choose from millions of photos that are available to you online which is a vastly larger selection that you could find just for magazines.

In this respect, creating a digital vision board is easier and quicker than the old-fashioned way.

  • Unsplash.com is one of my favorite go-to sites for royalty-free images that I use. I find that Unsplash is quite artsy and not so generic. You can easily put in the search bar what you are searching for your vision board. Searching for home office pics? Just put home office in the search bar and see what pops up for some different ideas of how to make your home office a friendlier space.
  • Pixabay.com is another great place to check out for royalty-free photos and it works the same way, just put in the keywords that you want to search for in the search bar and you’ll find that your photos will pop up.

3. Spark Emotion

Choose photos that spark emotion in order to create a vision board that works. You want to have these photos spark emotions inside of you so you can feel how it would feel if you attracted that into your life.

This shifts your personal vibration to that of how you would feel if you had already attracted it. That’s why photos are so very important. Then you can start to get really deep and understand why you’re wanting to attract this into your life.

Vision boards aren’t solely about attracting material things. Find photos that make you feel any positive emotion.

Incorporate Energetic Statements

And the icing on the cake for your vision board is to top it with an energetic statement affirmation, words or quotes that speak to you.

Make a point of looking at your vision board every day. See the affirmation and feel the emotions that those photos spark. Save as wallpaper to your desktop and to your phone. Meditate on what steps you’ll take to get closer to those goals that you have on your vision board.

Consider if you need to break those goals down to even smaller goals, that way you can map out the action steps that are going to get you to your final end result.

Also, reflect on your progress every night before you go to sleep. Visualizing prior to sleeping helps you feel motivated when you wake up the next day to work towards those goals.

In the end, achieving your goals and targets is ultimately up to you and the actions you take. Your vision board, either traditional or digital is just a cool way to help you stay on task and stay on the path to your ideal life.

Ready to start now? Don’t miss my step-by-step how to create a digital vision board online in under 15 minutes post.

I’ll see you there. Ciao.

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